Some evaluation literature to flip through:
EU Commission external evaluations and other publicly available documents in the development context. Click below:
List of earlier evaluations:
Google the titles below - seems that not all links to be found on the bottom of each page are updated by DEVCO at present.--
- Study on the Uptake of Strategic Evaluations in EU Development Cooperation – Ref. 1331
- Budget Support in Mozambique- 2014 - ref. 1330
- EU Cooperation with Kenya - 06/2014 - ref. 1329
- EU Cooperation with the occupied Palestinian territory and support to the Palestinian people - 05/2014 - ref. 1327
- EU Cooperation with Cameroon - 03/2014 - ref. 1328
- EU Regional co-operation with Asia- 03/2014 - ref. 1326
- Cooperation with Burundi (2005-2011) - 02/2014 - ref. 1323
- Budget Support in South Africa- 2013 - ref. 1322
- Budget Support to Tanzania: Lessons learned and recommendations for the future- 2013 - ref. 1321
- Programme Support for Improvement in Governance and Management (SIGMA) for European Neighbourhood Region (SIGMA/ENPI) - 06/2013 - ref. 1325
- EU Support to two European Neighbourhood Policy Regions (East and South) - 06/2013 - ref. 1320
- EU Support to Integrated Border Management and fight against Organised Crime - 04/2013 - ref. 1319
- EU Trade-related Assistance in Third Countries - 04/2013 - ref. 1318
- EU Support to Private Sector Development- 03/2013 - ref. 1317
- Country Level Evaluation - Zambia - 09/2012 - ref. 1316
- EC Co-operation with Colombia - 10/2012 - ref. 1315
- Country Level Evaluation - Jamaica- 09/2012 - ref. 1314
- Evaluation of EC Co-operation with Ecuador- 09/2012 - ref. 1312
- Evaluation of Commission's cooperation with the Council of Europe -09/2012 – ref. 1311
- Evaluation Methodology & Baseline Study of European Commission Technical Cooperation support - 09/2012 – ref. 1310
- Regional Level Evaluation of EU cooperation with the Caribbean Region - 08/2012 – ref. 1309
- Thematic Evaluation of the European Commission support to the health sector – 09/2012 - ref. 1308
- Thematic Evaluation of the Visibility of EU external action – 06/2012 - ref. 1307
- EU Cooperation with Djibouti - 06/2012 - ref. 1306
- Thematic Global Evaluation of the Commission of the EU's support to agricultural commodities in ACP countries - 04/2012 - ref. 1305
- EU Cooperation with Honduras - 04/2012 - ref. 1304
- EU Cooperation with Congo - 03/2012 - ref. 1303
- EU Cooperation with Nepal - 03/2012 - ref. 1302
- EU Cooperation with Ethiopia- 01/2012 - ref. 1301
- Commission support to decentralisation processes- 02/2012 - ref. 1300
- EC Cooperation with the Philippines- 06/2011 - ref. 1299
- EC Support to respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms- 12/2011 - ref. 1298
- Country Level Evaluation - Republic of Malawi- 11/2011 - ref. 1297
- EC Support in the Sectors of ESI (Employment and Social Inclusion) - 09/2011 - ref. 1296
- EC Support to Justice and Security System Reform- 11/2011 - ref. 1295
- Region Level Evaluation Overseas Countries and Territories- 06/2011 - ref. 1294
- Commission of the EU's Co-operation with the Dominican Republic- 11/2011 - ref. 1293
- Legal Instruments and Lessons Learned from the Evaluations managed by the Joint Evaluation Unit- 07/2011 - ref. 1292
- Crisis Response and Preparedness components of the EU Instrument for Stability (IFS) - 07/2011 - ref. 1324
- EC Support to Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building- 10/2011 - ref. 1291
- Budget Support operations in Mali- 9/2011 - ref. 1290
- Coopération de la Commission Européenne avec la Tunisie- 5/2011 - ref. 1287
- Opérations d'aide budgétaire de la CE à la Tunisie- 03/2011 - ref. 1286
- Co-operation of the EC and Spain with Senegal- 12/2010 - ref. 1284
- Investment Facility and EIB own resources operations in ACP countries and the OCTs- 09/2010 - ref. 1285
- EC Co-operation with Ukraine- 12/2010 - ref. 1283
- EC support to the education sector in partner countries- 12/2010 - ref. 1282
- EC Support to Egypt- 12/2010 - ref. 1281
- Country Level Evaluation - Liberia- 12/2010 - ref. 1279
- Country Level Evaluation - Maldives- 11/2010 - ref. 1280
- Cooperation with Niger - 05/2010 - ref. 1278
- EC Support to Conflict Prevention and Peace Building- 09/2010 - ref. 1277
- Country Level Evaluation Nigeria - 05/2010 - ref. 1276
- Coopération de l'UE avec le Burkina Faso - 05/2010 - ref. 1275
- EC Co-operation with El Salvador - 03/2010 - ref. 1274
- EC Co-operation with Botswana - 12/2009 - ref. 1273
- EC Co-operation with Namibia - 12/2009 - ref. 1272
- EC Co-operation with Nicaragua - 11/2009 - ref. 1271
- EC Co-operation with Thailand - 10/2009 - ref. 1268
- EC Co-operation with Vietnam - 10/2009 - ref. 1269
- Country Level Evaluation Uganda - 11/2009 - ref. 1270
- Country Level Evaluation Angola - 09/2009 - ref. 1267
- EC Co-operation with Malaysia - 09/2009 - ref. 1265
- EC Support to Conflict Prevention and Peace Building - 07/2009 - ref. 1266
- EC Co-operation with ASEAN - 06/2009 - ref. 1262
- EC Co-operation with the LAO PDR - 06/2009 - ref. 1261
- EC Co-operation with the Central African Republic - 06/2009 - ref. 1263
- Council Regulation N° 2698/2000 (MEDA II) and its implementation - 06/2009 - ref. 1264
- Coopération de la CE avec la République du Tchad - 03/2009 - ref. 1260
- Synthesis of the geographical evaluations managed by the Evaluation Unit (1998-2006) - 10/2008 - ref. 1256
- EC Support to the Region of Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean - 12/2008 - ref. 1257
- EC aid channelled through civil society organisations - 12/2008 - ref. 1259
- EC Aid Delivery through Development Bank and EIB - 11/2008 - ref. 1255
- EC Support to the Republic of Guyana - 09/2008 - ref. 1254
- Stratégie Régionale de la CE en Afrique de l'Ouest - 05/2008 - ref. 1253
- Methodology for Evaluations of Budget Support - Issue Paper - 05/200 - ref. 1258
- EC External cooperation with partner countries through the organisations of the UN family - 05/2008 - ref. 1252
- EC Support to Partner Countries in the area of Energy - 04/2008 - ref. 1192
- EC Support to the Republic of Mozambique - 12/2007 - ref. 1096
- EC Support to the ACP SADC Region - 10/2007 - ref. 1095
- Co-ordination, Complementarity and Coherence in EU development policy: a synthesis - 11/2007 - ref. 1107
- EC Support to the Republic of Moldova - 11/07 - ref. 1094
- Evaluation of the Commission's support to the ACP Pacific region - 09/2007 - ref. 1093
- Cooperación Regional de la CE en América Central - 07/2007 - ref. 1092
- EC Support to the Republic of India - 08/2007 - ref. 1091
- EC Support to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - 08/2007 - ref. 1087
- Développement rural et agricole - 07/2007 - ref. 1088
- Coopération de la CE avec la Bolivie - 07/2007 - ref. 1086
- EC Co-operation and Partnership with the People's Republic of China - 04/2007 - ref. 1077
- Commission Support for Statistics in Third Countries - 02/2007 - ref. 1059
- Stratégie régionale de la CE en Afrique Centrale - 12/2006 - ref. 1037
- Coopération de la CE avec le Rwanda - 11/2006 - ref. 1006
- Coopération de la CE avec les Comores - 11/2006 - ref. 1000
- Coopération de la CE avec lles Seychelles - 11/2006 - ref. 999
- Coopération de la CE avec l'Ile Maurice - 11/2006 - ref. 998
- Co-ordination and complementarity of country strategy papers with national development priorities - 05/2006 - ref. 966
- Coopération de le CE et de la France avec le Mali - 11/2006 - ref. 991
- Water and Sanitation Sector - 07/2006 - ref. 965
- EC Support to Micro-Project Programmes under the EDF in ACP countries - 08/2006 - ref. 904
- EC Support to Good Governance - 06/2006 - ref. 884
- General Budget Support - 05/2006 - ref. 705
- EC Support to the United Republic of Tanzania - 04/2006 - ref. 824
- Armenia: Country Strategy Evaluation - 01/2006 - ref. 804
- Council Regulation 99/2000 (TACIS) and its implementation - 01/2006 - ref. 728
- Co-ordination of Trade Capacity Building in Partner Countries - 02/2006 - ref. 727
- EC Support to Private Sector Development in Third Countries - 12/2005 - ref. 951656
- Stratégie régionale de la CE en Amérique Latine - 07/2005 - ref. 951661
- EC Country Strategy for Ghana - 05/2005 - ref. 951664
- General Budget Support - 06/2005 - ref. 951665
- EC Regional Strategy for the Caribbean - 04/2005 - ref. 951663
- Stratégie pays Bénin - 02/2005 - ref. 951662
- Environment and Forests Regulations 2493/2000 and 2494/2000 - 11/2004 - ref. 951660
- EC Country Strategy for Lesotho - 08/2004 - ref. 951658
- Food Aid Policy and Food Aid Management and special operation in support of Food Security - 07/2004 - ref. 951657
- Assistance to Western Balkan countries under Regulation 2666/2000 (CARDS) - 06/2004 - ref. 951651
- Regulation 2667/2000 (European Agency for Reconstruction) -06/2004 - ref. 951652
- EC Support to MERCOSUR - 05/2004 - ref. 951650
- EC Country Strategy for Ethiopia - 05/2004 - ref. 951653
- EC Interventions in the Transport Sector in Third Countries - 05/2004 - ref. 951655
- Trade-Related Assistance by the EC in Third Countries - 05/2004 - 951654
- Population and Development oriented Programmes in EC External Co-operation - 03/2004 - ref. 951649
- Stratégie de Coopération de la Commission CE avec le Honduras - 02/2004 - ref. 951648
- EC Country Strategy for Egypt - 02/2004 - ref. 951647
- EC Country Strategy for Bangladesh - 11/2003 - ref. 951646
- Economic Co-operation between the EC and Mediterranean countries - 11/2003 - ref. 951645
- Actions de réhabilitation et de reconstruction financées par la Communauté Européenne dans les pays ACP/ALA/MED/TACIS - 11/2003 - ref. 951638
- External Support to Basic Education in Developing Countries - 09/2003 - ref. 951659
- EC Country Strategy for Malawi 1996-2003 - 09/2003 - ref. 951641
- Statégie pays de la CE pour le Maroc - 07/2003 - ref. 951642
- EC Country Strategy for Ukraine 1996-2003 - 06/2003 - ref. 951643
- Integration of Gender in EC Development Co-operation with third countries - 03/2003 - ref. 951644
- EC Country Strategy for South Africa 1997-2002 - 12/2002 - ref. 951639
- Relationship between Country Programmes and Fisheries Agreements - 11/2002 - ref. 951637
- Clarifying the definitions of EC economic co-operation with third countries - 08/2002 - ref. 951636
- Aide de la CE dans les pays ACP/ALA/MED dans le domaine de la santé - 07/2002 - ref. 951589
- Coopération de la CE en matière d'appui institutionnel aux Ordonnateurs Nationaux et Régionaux du Fonds Européen de Développement (FED) - 06/2002 - ref. 951586
- ALA Regulation 443/92 - 05/2002 - ref. 951614
- EC Support to the Education Sector in ACP countries - 05/2002 - ref. 951629
- Coopération Nord-Sud dans la lutte contre les drogues et la toxicomanie - 05/2002 - ref. 951570
- EU Mobility Grant-Awarding Programmes - 04/2002 - ref. 951632
- EC Country Strategy for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - 09/2001 - ref. 951608
- EC Country Strategy in Albania - 09/2001 - ref. 951607
- EC activities in the field of Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance - 08/2001 - ref. 951613
- Economic Co-operation between the European Community and partner states in Asia and Latin America - 08/2001 - ref. 951595
- Voter education in the context of electoral support - 09/2001 - ref. 951598
- TACIS Entreprise Restructuring Facility (TERF) covering the Russian Federation - 07/2001 - ref. 951590
- Regional Co-operation between the PALOP countries and the EC (PALOP: Pays Africain de de Langue Officielle Portugaise) - 06/2001 - ref. 951535
- EC financial assistance to Mediterranean Countries through the European Investment Bank (EIB) - 05/2001 - ref. 951591
- EC Country Strategy for Namibia - 1996-2000 - 04/2001 - ref. 951584
- EC Country Strategy for Burkina Faso 1996-2000 - 04/2001 - ref. 951583
- EC Country Strategy for Uganda 1996-2000 - 02/2001 - ref. 951585
- MEDA Global Allocation - 02/2001 - ref. 951577
- Bistro Programmes - 01/2001 - ref. 951588
- EC Country Strategy for Mozambique 1996-2000 - 12/2000 - ref. 951571
- EC Country Strategy in Turkmenistan - 12/2000 - ref. 951587
- Tacis Country Strategy in Moldova - 12/2000 - ref. 951574
- EC Food Aid, Food Security, Food Aid Management and programmes in support of Food Security (Regulation No 1292/96 of 27 June 1996)- 12/2000 - ref. 951569
- Co-financing operations with European non-governmental development organisations (NGOs) - Budget Line B7-6000 - 12/2000 - ref. 951568
- Phare and Tacis Nuclear safety activities - 11/2000 - ref. 951556
- Coopération Nord/Sud en matière de lutte contre l'expansion de l'épidémie du VIH/SIDA et aide aux politiques et programmes démographiques dans les pays en développement 1997-1999 - 11/2000 - ref. 951552
- Coopération de l'UE avec l'Amérique Latine dans le domaine de la santé - 10/2000 - ref. 951525
- Budget Line "Aid for Uprooted People in ALA Countries 1997-1999" - 09/2000 - ref. 951541
- Tacis Inter-State Energy and INOGATE Programmes and related actions implemented in the framework of national programmes - 09/2000 - ref. 951599
- Joint Programmes between the EC and the Council of Europe for strengthening federal structures and local government, introducing human rights protection mechanisms, and supporting reforms of the law and legal system in the Russian Federation and Ukraine - 09/2000 - ref. 951557
- Tacis Interstate Programme in Environment - 09/2000 - ref. 951553
- Ligne budgétaire "Coopération décentralisée" - 09/2000 - ref. 951516
- EC Country Strategy for The Dominican Republic 1996-2000 - 08/2000 - ref. 951554
- Positive actions financed by the EC in the fields of Human Rights and Democracy in ACP States 1995/1999 - 08/2000 - ref. 951518
- EC financed programme to supply agricultural products to the Russian Federation - 08/2000 - ref. 951548
- Programme Africain Anti-Drogue (PAAD) - 07/2000 - ref. 951544
- EC Country Strategy for Papua New Guinea 1996-1999 - 06/2000 - ref. 951555
- Tacis Customs Programme - 06/2000 - ref. 951549
- Tacis-LIEN Programme - 05/2000 - ref. 951547
- Revue de l'assistance de l'UE a l'integration régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest (UEMOA) [426 KB] - 05/2000
- Co-operation in the Mining Sector and SYSMIN - 04/2000 - ref. 951524
- Cross-evaluation of EC-financed projects involving micro-credit in Bangladesh - 04/2000 - ref. 951526
- Phare-financed Labour Market and Social Security reform programme - Case studies in Lithuania and Slovakia - 04/2000 - ref. 951537
- Phare-financed Telecommunications and Posts programmes - 04/2000 - ref. 951536
- Phare-financed programmes in support of SMEs - 04/2000 - 951508
- Cross Border Initiative (CBI) regional economic integration programme in Southern and Eastern Africa - 03/2000 - ref. 951531
- Projet d'appui à la gestion de la mairie de KAEDI - Mauritanie - 03/2000 - ref. 9515 Coopération de la CE avec le Nicaragua- 03/2000 - ref. 951523
- EC Tacis Country Strategy for Azerbaijan 1996-1999 - 03/2000 - ref. 951538
- Tacis Country Programme in Russian Federation - 02/2000 - ref. 951500
- Autorisations globales pour l'Assistance technique sous le 7eme FED - 01/2000 - ref. 951510
- Stratégie d'appui de l'UE au secteur de santé en Haiti - 01/2000 - ref. 951504
- EDF Support to Human Resource Development in Tanzania - 01/2000 - ref. 951502
- EU Assistance to ACP Banana Producers - 01/2000 - ref. 951501