REview of the European Neighborhood Policy - Green paper
Click the image to retrieve the consultation document itself and here for the pressrelease as well as here for the consultation webpage
Link to progress reports European Neighborhood policy - click below:
live twitter feed on Saudi and EU affairsmarc pierini on eu neighborhood policy |
failure in south sudan talks |
arms to libya?
I will in the coming days and weeks submit a number of comments to the proposed elements for a regional strategy on Syria, Iraq and ISIS/DAESH put forward by the High Representative Mogherini and the European Commission in a communication dated 5 February 2015.
This is one of the first examples of what the new leadership would see as a comprehensive approach to external conflicts and crises. Three questions arise: does it cover the scope of the current international debate? And secondly, from an EU perspective: does it cover the relevant policy perspectives in EU security policy outlined in the handbook on EU and security which I will publish shortly, based upon many interviews inside the institutions. Third: The EU tried once before in 2013 to put forward a communication on Syria labelled as a comprehensive approach to the crisis. To what extent does the new communication represent progress in terms of comprehensiveness? (Photo:AP) |