Will #OrlandoNightclubShooting lead to more attention #humansecurity ? #Gender @MSakerhet https://t.co/AAUHytYgJ3
— On security/Lundin (@londil) June 14, 2016
A revised human security approach by Mary Kaldor, Javier Solana et al for the EU linking internal and external security. With 12 useful case studies distributed over these web pages:
En reviderad mänsklig säkerhets-approach av Mary Kaldor, Javier Solana m fl för EU som länkar intern och extern säkerhet. Med 12 fallstudier som fördelar sig ganska jämnt över dessa webbsidor!
Seeing the links between terrorism, organized crime, other good and bad flows the conflict cycle , perceptions, values, corruption and assistance essential for strategy and a comprehensive approach
Twitterflöde i realtid om mänsklig säkerhet |
Twitter feed in real time about human security from a European perspective |
THE EU strategic review: Does not contain a reference to this concept.
Norwegian review of the concept of human security
Human security requires a multi-vector approACH - HERE ARE SOME OF THEM - TO START WITH:
Keep the human aspects of security in mind!
Learn about human security - mänsklig säkerhet
@ratchevv I respect your view. But the entire discourse on responsibility to protect (Ruanda etc.) is closely linked to human security
— On security/Lundin (@londil) June 4, 2015