"Zooming out in order to be able to zoom in - the essential need of a wider frame of reference" https://t.co/Y9eFFm1X97 @londil on @LinkedIn
— On security/Lundin (@londil) July 6, 2017
Much ado about nothing?
A case in point: the train and equip initiative - se dedicated page here |
Some now call comprehensive approach something else: integrated approach. All the same - but still not implemented.
— Lars-Erik Lundin (@Lundinblog) August 3, 2015
How to make a difference in EU security-related coordination: First low hanging fruit: issue clear top-down instructions to staff.
— Lars-Erik Lundin (@Lundinblog) August 11, 2015
THE EU strategic review:
Twitter feeds noteworthy my comments
Collection of papers on the comprehensive approach by ECDPM |
My view on the comprehensive approach as published in the Spring 2015 SEcurity Jam reportTo quote, liberally, one of the most famous speeches in the UK House of Commons of all times: The EU may have a desk chair (the resources), it may know in which direction to face it (strategy and intelligence collection) but what if, (as Charlie Brown) it does not know how to unfold it (training) and even worse is not aware that there is one out in the garden storage (comprehensive approach).
This is in short what my book is about.
Typical search results on the EU comprehensive approach April 2015:
- What EU Comprehensive Approach? Challenges for the EU ...ecdpm.org/.../eu-comprehensive-approach-challenges-eu-action-plan-be...
The Action Plan on the Comprehensive Approach, expected in 2015, could be ...Conflict, Security and ResilienceEuropean Responses to Violent Conflicts and ... - [PDF]EN Council conclusions on the EU's comprehensive approachwww.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_Data/docs/.../EN/.../142552.pdf
May 12, 2014 - diplomacy, security and defence to finance, trade, development and ... that the starting point for the EU's comprehensive approach must be early, ....OECD/DAC and in the context of the post-2015 framework on ... In particular, the Council stresses the need to implement the Resilience Action Plan, address. - Challenges for the EU Action Plan and Beyondcapacity4dev.ec.europa.eu › EuropeAid › capacity4dev.eu
Dec 12, 2014 - What EU Comprehensive Approach? ... by the EU to address sustainable development, peace and security, especially in complex ... The Action Planon the Comprehensive Approach, expected in 2015, could be the occasion ... - House of Commons - Documents considered by the ...www.publications.parliament.uk › ... › European Scrutiny
- Mar 11, 2015 - Document details, Draft EU Gulf of Guinea Action Plan 2015-2020 ...approach integrating security, development and governance issues; and .... the Action Plan within the context of the EU's Comprehensive Approach, and as ...
- 19 European security and defence: preparing for the June ...www.publications.parliament.uk › ... › European Scrutiny
- Mar 24, 2015 - 19 European security and defence: preparing for the June 2015European .... "EU Comprehensive Approach" Action Plan: currently short on ...