The international community has come a long way since resolution 1325 - but not nearly far enough:
When can we speak of a Happy International Womens day?
Reactions from my readers on sexual violence in public places:Search the site:
The EU strategic review is very weak on gender and on human security - major task ahead for the #EUGlobalStrategy
The link to migration and sexual violence
Gender issues cannot be isolated from a wider discourse on security
See-the-links-tool - just to start:
Jenny Nordberg in New Yorker about Wallström, gender and feminism
What do you see if you search for "gender and security" on Youtube? A rich sample here:
Some of the topics covered in these videos:
But it is just the beginning of a much more and necessary comprehensive analysis as illustrated by this graph showing the need to further mainstream gender into all the pages of this website.
Gender equality can thus not be measured in one way alone:
It is a multidimensional concept with fundamental importance for human security and positive peace
GEt the overall picture:Watch the Hillary Clinton comprehensive analysis of gender equality at the Beijing conference 20 years ago - see below.gender issues also to be mainstreamed into other pages - so far:Rather true - but I missed the train - for my family getting day care was the major struggle: |
red= under 10% dark green over 38%
See the following pages:
Eu gender equality work in Syria |